Year 11 and 12
The Staff

Kambalda West District High School

English Learning Area
Within English, students learn about the English language: how it works and how to use it effectively. Within the yearlong program, students will develop an understanding of the ways in which language operates as a social process and how to use language in a variety of forms and situations. They learn to speak, view, read and write effectively.
The outcomes that are provided by the English Curriculum are:
A challenging reading and viewing program within the course will introduce students to a range of texts and non-print texts, designed to introduce students to the attitudes, values and ideologies of the world in which we live. Students will be offered every opportunity to improve in the traditional elements of English as well as in the progressive area of critical literacy. They will be actively encouraged to participate in activities and presentations which promote effective oral communication.
Students are actively encouraged to enjoy themselves whilst they study English through engagement of their interests and aspirations in preparation for the work force or further study.