Year 11 and 12
The Staff

Kambalda West District High School

Parents and Citizens Association
A.B.N. 73 678 625 292
KWDHS P&C Association Incorporated.
C/o KWDHS, Salmon Gum Road
Correspondence to:
Welcome to the KWDHS P&C Association Team
Our mission is to assist the school in all initiatives and promote the interests of our entire KWDHS community through many varied collaborations.

As a P&C, we rely on the generous support of our local community, both via donations and grants to enable our activities. The P&C must also have the volunteer support from our parents and citizens to be able to effectively run these activities - WE NEED YOUR HELP!
Our current focus is in re-opening the KWDHS Canteen and provide fresh new choices in food for our children. To do this we require the full support of our parents as we are now a fully volunteer run - canteen service as this generates a huge income stream for the KWDHS P&C. 100% of all monies from this volunteer driven initiative go into our school for our children.

If you can assist in the school canteen or would like to join our amazing team, please email today!
To join you will need a current Working with Children's Check, complete a school Allergens and Food Safe Handlers certificate and complete a Parent and Child Volunteer Declaration Form.
For more information please follow the links as below:
Shire of Coolgardie FREE Food Handler Training Program
FREE All about Allergens
WA Working With Children's Check
Parent and Child Volunteer Declaration Form
Obtain at KWDHS Administration Office during school hours or email our P&C for a copy.